Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | reckoner | road | sidewalk | sky | stairs OCR: obcde fghii k/mnopgrsturwxyz P3CDE GHIJKL MWOPORS TUVWXYZ 0123456789 #% +- <//? The quick breun Xf iumps over the lazy dog IF The quick brown fax umps oVer the lazy dog h2 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 6op 36 The quick brown fox iumps the hze| 6op 48 The quick broun fox i umps over the hze| 6op 60 The quick brown fox j ump s over the hze| dog The quick brown fox UmPS the lazy abcde kimnopgr sfuvwxyz MV02QRS TUVUXYZ 0123456 orer hzel